
It's a Hold Up! You'll Get it When You See the Photographs.

Is there anything more iconic than a pair of disembodied hands cupping the Earth to complement a fluff piece on environmentalism?  Or, alternatively, the fast-fading globe manufacturing sector?  Today's answer is no, and it's brought to you by every stock imagery entity in existence.

The one you see above is the standard.  The perennial go-to.  This shot is so well-worn that the prominently featured America only has forty-eight states.  That atmosphere is so old, there's only 275 parts per million of carbon in it.  Damn, I am just ripping on the age and ubiquity of that photo! 

Ah, but there's more:
With the hands in black and white and the Earth glowing, it conveys the sense that we are but a transient species, a speck of dust passing in the wind in the great rolling meadow that is the everlasting planet.  Plus, printing in black in white, way cheaper.

Three hands?  Wait.  Is it three separate people, or did the original dude get his buddy - oh, no, all left thumbs.  Yeah, that's three people.  And what view is this?  Are we looking at a pole?  Come on, folks, we center on America for the same reason North is always up - so I can recognize stuff.

A lot of hands.  Presumably children's hands, okay, I can work with that.  The Earth is a weighty orb, let's give it the support it needs.

Hmm.  Hands on...top.  Wait that's not even the Earth, is it?  Hold your sphere-o'-sky-shot how ever you like.

The "Taking Communion".  And you gotta wonder - is it a turtleneck?  You just know it is.

Yes, good, now this one speaks volumes.  The hands are the Earth.  Mind, body, soul.  One hand is black, one hand is white.  I see in this picture the confluence of all things.  And yet part of me takes exception to earthface.

Whoa there!  Come on!  That's our only one!

Skeleton hands.  Naturally.  Centered on the Middle East.  Telling.

Oh dear.  That robot's big!  Doesn't it make you feel small?  And extinct?

Now that's what I like to see!

Business Gentleman 1: I think that was a transaction that benefited us equally!
Business Gentleman 2: I agree.  I'd call it a win-win!
Business Gentleman 1: I'd call it a win-win-win!
Business Gentleman 2: Who's the third 'win'? 
Business Gentleman 1:  Oh, right.  Yeah, just win-win.
Business Gentleman 2: Right.
Business Gentleman 1: Red Lobster?
Business Gentleman 2: Red Lobster.


  1. I liked that one where the hands are the Earth.

    Why does North America have to be in the centre of the majority of them? Do you think if Asia was in the centre most North Americans would think it wasn't Earth and actually some other planet?

  2. My favorite one one is the one with hand and the earth in them ;) hehehe

  3. Yeah, it's weird that the us is often in the centre. You'd think Greenwich would be because it's the 0 longitude.
