
Art Imitating Life; Me Imitating Both

There's nothing funny about the oil spill along our country's third-best coast, which is why we have to manufacture our own funny on its behalf.  A number of ostensibly clever webateurs have unleashed provocative browser plug-ins that mimic the deleterious effects on your very own monitor.  As mother nature news covered on July 1, here's the jess3 creative agency's offering for how to bring the disaster home:

credit: mother nature news

Wherever you see an "oil", a "BP" or the like, get your tissues ready.  And when you're done weeping, find something with which to clean up your fouled display.

But today on Treehugger.com, it appears the ante done got upped

Credit: Instant Oil Spill

Get a load of Instant Oil Spill, a site that unabashedly obfuscates any URL of your choosing with an ever-expanding plume of oil until your screen real estate is fully-blackened.  If this doesn't initiate an honest conversation about our nation's energy security policy, I don't know what will.

Never to be outdone, OJSTW has entered the burgeoning monitor-turned-oil-spill market.  Mine gets right to the point with a message that can't be any clearer.

It's just a completely black screen.  I don't know, is this a good idea or not?  It's evident the other two probably spent a lot of time on theirs, but I just did a big black rectangle.  I can't tell if this is poignant or stupid?  It's overly simple, but that's the point - getting out of this oil dependency mess is a cinch...if we only change the way we look at the world our computer monitors!

[Oh, and to all you image hijackers: please note I got my site name on this here pic.  So...you know...lay off.]

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