
Superfun Scourge Alert: Coffee Cups!

Like collecting things?  What idiot doesn't?!  Recovering pathological hoarders, you say?  Nah, they love it more than anyone, and they excel at it too!

One great thing to collect is disposable paper coffee cups!  Sarcastically fun fact: if each member of Congress collected an equal share of cups to represent just one year's worth of the world's total consumption, they'd each have 108,000,000!  And check out this depressing coincidence - they all happen to store their prized collections in various city dumps spread throughout the planet!

Actually when it's put that way it doesn't sound too bad.  Kinda sounds like the cups are neatly arranged on shelves waiting to be sold on eBay.  They're not.

Look, there's no solution to the mind-bogglingly wasteful practice of coffee cup manufacturing, thirty minutes of using, and throwing away.  They're not recyclable. They're not structured soundly for reuse.  You can only turn so many into kitschy iPod speakers.  

No solution.  No.  Don't even say it.

Okay, yesss, you could technically employ a reusable container, but come on, seriously?  Haven't you ever been jonesing for some joe while waiting for the B-Train at the corner of 353rd St. and 20th Ave...and Lexington?  Clearly I haven't, but I know for a fact urban settings are overly conducive to convenience, to instant gratification that the human condition just cannot resist.  Capitalism FTW?  Capitalism FAIL?  Epic?  Man, the 21st century is confusing.

Check out the folks at betacup.  They're putting the hivemind on this little problem and have $20,000 of prize money behind it.  Interesting ideas include a collapsible travel cup that fits in your pocket, and an innovative shared ownership model - bring your filthy mug back, exchange it for a ready-to-go clean one and let the establishment do the cleaning.

This kid's got the idea.

[Wait, why was Congress collecting coffee cups again?  I guess contact your rep and talk to them about climate change?  That sounds right.]

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