(That "no charge" comment worked on at least two levels. You know what else works on two levels? Escalators.)
Back to the artwork. Let's open up the floor to a little Q&A.
It appears your medium of choice is the back of a ketchup packet.
Okay, not a question per se, but, yeah. Well it's actually the back of a hot sauce packet, but I'm not gonna split hairs with you on this one, it's packet-based canvas, yes.
What, uh, what...tell me again what the drawing represents?
It symbolizes that we, the citizens of Earth, are not currently equipped to adequately provide enough energy in a sustainable way, and it's meant to provoke debate and the generation of creative ideas as to how best to combat such an obstacle.
It - and no offense here - it looks like 'Earth does not equal a lightning bolt'. Can you just explain why you chose that as a metaphor?
No offense taken, I actually appreciate the candor. Listen I need to tell you something, I'm not a classically trained artist, I'm not. When I sat down with my three primary-colored markers, I thought "how best does one communicate the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced with a mere image?" So like any great artiste, pronounced like it looks, I grabbed the nearest hot sauce packet and just let my emotions flow.
I appreciate your forthcomingness in regard to how you found your muse, I do, but the actual components you chose, they just don't ring true. You got the Earth, then the mathematical symbol for inequality, and then a red lightning bolt (which, I think you'll agree, are typically yellow). Have any regrets?
I guess my only regret was initiating the Q&A session, but um, yeah so look, I just did the best I could, vis-a-vis the artwork.
Your gonna go with 'vis-a-vis'?
I am.
You feeling comfortable that you used it appropriately?
I don't know. I hear it used from time to time, and I guess I thought "why can't I use it?" And so I did.
I respect that. You know what word I've been trying to work into convo but just can't seem to find the opportunity? "wunderkind"
You mean "wunderkind"?
Oh is that how you say it? I thought it was like "wun--
No, it's wunderkind. Definitely.
Geez, good thing we had this talk before I used the word! Isn't that funny? It's the one word I've been badly trying to sneak into a convo, and I've been pronouncing it wrong. That's funny!
That is sincerely and truly funny.
Do you know if they still show Saved by the Bell?
It's on in the mornings in the Philadelphia market, not positive what channel. I guess check your local listings. Did you have any other questions about the artwork?
No, it's pretty good, I was just giving you a hard time. Looks like you were going for precise realism when you drew the continents? Did you trace them out of an atlas?
Wow, I'm majorly complimented, I actually drew them freeha-- wait, are you just messing with me?
Totally messing with you.
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